Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Things That Ooze

Lily has been pretty lucky so far to have gone through an entire winter without any semblance of a cold. Andy was sick for about a month and I had a pretty nasty long weekend, but the Bug has been healthy... until now. The waterfall of ooze I see so often trailing down under the noses of my students I now see in my own home. She's got a great attitude about it until we try to wipe her nose. She finds that to be a terrible nuisance. And I've noticed that it makes holding on to her pacifier while she naps a bit more difficult. Poor girl sounds like a little pot bellied pig snorting away as she tries to breathe through her nose. With any luck the snot faucet will be turned off soon and her once relatively clean upper lip will be slime free yet again. Of course, we're starting to see the beginning signs of her first teeth including actually seeing those two lower front teeth through the gums. So, not all that oozes will be gone in the near future. And, hopefully the ooze will be the worst of the teething woes. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

ablykins said...

LOL- that photo is classic! Hope she is feeling all better now!