Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Lily has just gone through yet another growth spurt. Her sleep habits slipped and her pants turned into high waters all in one foul swoop! Luckily she is getting back to her previously programmed sleeping. On the clothes front, we are also in good shape and I must thank my friends for this. Thank you so much to all of you who have given Lily new clothes to grow into be they new or new to us. WE LOVE HAND-ME-DOWNS!! Lily has been spotted in outfits previously worn by Emma or Camden Kasparek, Meg Corsi, Zoe Thompson, and Madeline Meyers. It is so nice to have so many great outfits ready to pull out of our bins under the bed and slide right into Lily's dresser. Of course, thank you, too, Grandma and Grandmommie for the beautiful new duds. Lily is one well dressed little tot!

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