Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday BBQ

Today we opened the typhoon shutters to see a beautiful sunny day. We did our morning thing and got the BBQ going just after noon. The funny thing is that every time we get it going our Japanese neighbor kids come outside and zoom their bike and scooter back and forth past us until their mother steps out and tells them to calm down and stop pestering. Then she will step outside onto the patio and we'll try to communicate with the help of our pocket translators which, for her, happens to be her phone. Today the conversation started with: "Are you married?" -yes. Then she makes the pregnant belly motion with her hands. -I shake my head no and we both laugh. She says something in Japanese and we move on to basketball. Who knew there were basketball fans over here? She mentions Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, and a bunch of teams that only Andy knew anything about. Her husband plays center on a basketball club here. He's probably 5'6". I don't remember where the conversation went from there. Adam, the new diver on Andy's team, came over and tried to put his poptart on our grill. Last week he did grill his frozen fish sticks. In short, cooking isn't exactly his greatest skill. Pretty soon our chicken and peppers ala Ted Warren were ready. We put the lid on the BBQ and went inside.

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