Thursday, February 16, 2006

Workin' 9 to 5

Well, it is more like 7 to 2:30, but you get the idea.

Since I arrived I've been hunting for work of my own. Something to keep me busy when Andy is working, to provide a pay check, and to provide a fabulous letter of recommendation for a future job back in the states. I joined the English Teachers' Networking Group and have been hoping to pick up a couple students in the afternoons. I submitted my paperwork to substitute teach here on the base. Heck, I even signed up with a modeling firm in Tokyo. (Even Andy came along and signed up for that one!)

Lately I'd been getting frustrated with unemployment. All the connections I'd been making weren't leading anywhere and I was worried that I'd be stuck not contributing to our savings. Then, all of a sudden, I recieved two calls from the modeling agency asking if I was available for a couple possible jobs coming up. Then, two days later, I got a call from the middle school here on base saying that my subbing paperwork had gone through and that they'd be calling me soon for help. Then, I got an interview with an English school in Yokohama. Woo hoo!! Things were looking up.

Finally today I have my first day of work! Yeah!! I'm subbing at the high school on what might just be the easiest day to sub ever! Yokosuka is hosting the Far West Wrestling tournament and has schools from Japan, Korea, and Guam in attendance. And, since it is such a big event, the teachers were all encouraged to take their classes over to cheer on their team. Basically, my day has consisted of taking attendance and then walking the group over to the gym. I'm sure that I'll be working much tougher days here, but this has been a fabulous first day back at work and I hope to be scheduled for more sub work next week.

Now that work has started coming my way I have my fingers crossed that it will continue with force.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first day of work! You're so talented that I'm sure you'll be in high demand once you've got your foot in the door, and it sounds like you are doing a great job at that already!
You should be really proud of yourself for your accomplishments, because it can be really hard here sometimes, but you are doing a great job and are an inspiration to others!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. Ditto what Aime said. You are so bright, talented, bubbly, and itelligent, that once the ball gets rolling you'll have people breaking down the door to have you! I'm only sorry that I might be chuggin' on the treadmill alone but hey, I'll get over it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations from me, too!
Who knows what the future holds for you! As you build on your experiences, you could incorporate all those experiences into one job. You could end up modeling highschool uniforms at a sumo wrestling event, with a CAPYBARA or two at your feet. I'm sure *some* school has the CAPYBARA as its mascot. :)